Healing Hands provides, for a nominal fee, medical, dental, podiatry, chiropractic, eye care, pastoral and psychological counseling services to people who otherwise could not afford to access health care.
Frequently, people with low or moderate income with no health insurance are unable to pay medical bills thus do not receive treatment, do not get well and miss work or school. Healing Hands reaches out to working people by answering their health care needs early, resulting in more productive and proficient employees on the job with improved health care. Adequate health care will enable them to keep their jobs and stay employed.
With the support of a small staff, Healing Hands exists with the help of over 200 dedicated volunteer physicians, dentists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, opticians, chiropractors, podiatrists, and counselors, supported by nurses, other health care professionals and lay volunteers, who provide the clinic’s services.
Front View with Cirque Du Soleil Inspired Makeup on Amy Lauren. Vivid colors with soft shading on pale skin are characteristic of Cirque inspired makeup. White feather lashes are added for detail. |
Braid Details |
Three "outside" French Braids converge to create a low asymmetric chignon. The charity event will feature dinner, and both silent and live auctions. Sherri's Hair Salon donated a $300 value basket of hair care items for the silent auction. How Can YOU Help ??Become A Medical Volunteer ! Our medical services are only limited by the number of Medical, Dental, Chiropractic, Optical and Counseling professionals we are able to recruit. ____________________ Become a Support Volunteer ! HHHC has a number of programs, tasks and areas requiring assistance, different levels of expertise and schedule coverage. You can help in many ways to help fulfill our mission and assist our community. ________________________ Make a Donation ! Healing Hands Health Center is dependent upon donations from individuals, companies, service organizations, foundations and other groups. Your contribution goes directly toward patient care expenses. |
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